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Okay, their issues top mine. But still, their algorithms aren’t very smart, and their supposed efforts to flag misinformation not only fail much of the time, they ironically harm the sources that are trying to do something useful.
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Thinking Is Power
I hate FB. A week ago I posted a mini-tutorial on how to fact check the “Halloweiners” w/ a link & screenshot of @snopes debunking it. Today @Meta put me in jail for sharing misinfo based on a @USATODAY fact check. They’re a week late…& my post was a FACT CHECK.
Arguably, tech companies should not be censoring any scientific discourse. Even the “evolving” one, as it will slow down progress.
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Face with monocle
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C Pita
Let's start with the authoritative Jefferson 2020 systematic review, with Alberta's Dr. Conly as the 2nd author. This review pools 3 N95 RCTs, and concludes no clear difference between surgical masks and N95s to reduce respiratory viral infection. 5/17
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