You have rights as a consumer in Texas. Understanding them will ensure that you are better equipped to avoid scams and get a fair shake.
The Deceptive Trade Practices Act
The primary tool the Office of the Attorney General uses to protect Texas consumers is the Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA).
This law lists many practices that are false, deceptive, or misleading. When you fall victim to illegal practices covered by the DTPA, you may have the right to sue for damages under the act. If you win your suit and prove that the defendant knowingly deceived you, you may be eligible to recover up to three times your damages. If you want to pursue an individual case under the DTPA, you should talk to a private lawyer, as the Office of the Attorney General cannot represent you. Refer to section 17.41 in the Deceptive Trade Practices Act.
Read the Deceptive Trade Practices Act
Dealing with Legitimate Businesses
Some scams are committed by illegitimate businesses -- those that exist simply to scam the public.
But if you have a complaint about a legitimate business, there are several steps you can take beyond filing a complaint with the Consumer Protection Division. These include: